EPPS 6302: Assignment 6

I believe in Python supremacy, so here’s a simple example of one of the methods I use to scrape or download in parallel instances: the asyncio package. It’s not let me down thus far.

import asyncio
import aiohttp
import aiosqlite

async def download_pdf(session, url):
    async with session.get(url) as response:
        if response.status == 200:
            return await response.read()
            raise Exception(f"Error downloading {url}")

async def save_pdf_to_db(db, url, data):
    async with db.execute("INSERT INTO pdfs (url, content) VALUES (?, ?)", (url, data)):
        await db.commit()

async def main(urls):
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        # Create database and table
        db = await aiosqlite.connect("pdf_database.db")
        await db.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pdfs (url TEXT, content BLOB)")

        tasks = []
        for url in urls:
            task = asyncio.create_task(download_pdf(session, url))

        pdf_contents = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)

        for url, content in zip(urls, pdf_contents):
            await save_pdf_to_db(db, url, content)

        await db.close()